Police Station Raid Heist 1.0
This is by far my most favourite mod yet. I have Put everything i know into it and i have gotten no help from anyone else for this heist, i hope you guys enjoy it, maybe not a long heist but is full of things to do :DD(if you have any problems message me on discord DaBabeyPortugue 3669 i am pretty active on there and theres a high chance i will respond to you)
1.0 - release
1.0 - release
पहले अपलोड: अगस्त 09, 2022
आखरी अपडेट: अगस्त 09, 2022
Last Downloaded: 44 कुछ मिनट पहले
31 टिप्पणियाँ
More mods by VxRuz_DanZ:
This is by far my most favourite mod yet. I have Put everything i know into it and i have gotten no help from anyone else for this heist, i hope you guys enjoy it, maybe not a long heist but is full of things to do :DD(if you have any problems message me on discord DaBabeyPortugue 3669 i am pretty active on there and theres a high chance i will respond to you)
1.0 - release
1.0 - release
पहले अपलोड: अगस्त 09, 2022
आखरी अपडेट: अगस्त 09, 2022
Last Downloaded: 44 कुछ मिनट पहले
@gorgonut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO4rCct8N4I this was one of the teaser videos showing the vault explosive part
@weic в здании должно быть 3 взрывчатки хранилища, я скоро сделаю видео по моду (я использовал гугл-переводчик, надеюсь, вы понимаете, что я сказал)
First of all it's a great creation and it's fun! I robbed a lot of drugs at the police station For anyone who didn't trigger the bomb I have to state that there are multiple bombs in the police station and you have to find them all to get the prompt to blow up the vault door I met An unknown bug I can't get out of my wanted level
Even if I use trainer
Sorry, this is a translation, I don't know if you can understand I hope the author can create a gang robbery drug robbery This idea is very good I first encountered, looking forward to robbery gang stronghold robbery drugs and cash
Do online maps need to be turned on? I'm starting the heist with a shoot up animation but with no weapon in hand, then heading to the door on the left where I fall into limbo
Да понял спасибо, пока подожду может вы доделаете чтоб работала без багов о чём люди пишут. Двери сейфа неудачно стоят там за ними проход на улицу, а в стену в место шкафа их притулить нельзя? Текстуры шкафа перекрыть текстурами сейфа + освободиться проход на улицу как вот этот M8T чел делает знатные у него скрипты есть.
Not working can’t find the volt then I try looking down stairs and it won’t let me go thur
@liugta79 @VxRuz_DanZ Thanks! I'll check it out again.
@Losthegamer01 you need Open All Interiors https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/open-all-interiors
what i need for the Mod? (i have SHDN, SH, Open All Interios, NativeUI but the Mod dont working)
@OOlaf_Dakota is all of your stuff updated?
i dont Know
Seems like a good script all though its not working completely for me. I am on a downgraded version (Tuners DLC). Do we need to be updated to the latest version for this to work?
@skeeze415 i believe so, and you might need the latest version of both script hook
When I start the mod it plays an animation of shooting up into the air then my guy turns and walks into limbo.
mostly perfect only bugs that seems to keep happening are finishing the heist if you press any other button after cops are lost then the accept button prompt goes away and can't finish the "take" is still on screen and no buttons pressed gets rid of it and i don't keep the money :( . can it be changed to any button pressed or no buttons need pressed and after cops lost and player is out of building = heist complete. the other bug is the middle cell back trolley will sometimes not have the button prompt to begin the taking animation only the button prompt to speed up taking so instead of grabbing from trolley just stands there and shoot it instead xD. i don't now how to fix the other pick up spots work. can the heist be reset? after either cooldown peroid or type command to reset?
Yeah, it seems to be buggy. I can't pick up the last cash of coke and can't shake the police either when leaving the building.
It's a shame, because the mission itself is nice.
@Nino_Chaosdrache I'm getting the same problem spent ages trying to get it to work and then I finally did and the police won't go away after 🤣 the thing is they aren't even trying to arrest you it just says you got a 5 star wanted level a shame really
@Mirrorman2000 Im having an opposite issue, as soon as i collect the loot, the cops are G O N E.
У меня на на новой версии гта 2944 одна тележка, которую нужно ограбить, не работала. Как исправить? Мод очень крутой!