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  • Fdb880 d1hckoju4airw39

    @TobHag I'll check it out

    जुलाई 04, 2020
  • Fdb880 d1hckoju4airw39

    @Unsearchably No bully pls

    जुलाई 04, 2020
  • Fdb880 d1hckoju4airw39

    @OFFICERJAKE8 In play order:
    - Septette for the Dead Princess
    - A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry
    - Night of Nights

    जुलाई 03, 2020
  • Fdb880 d1hckoju4airw39

    @Slash_Alex None really, I just tried redownloading the mod without touching any other option and the same thing happens:
    Increase my Star Wanted Level with the trainer, go to a police officer, kill him, and the Star Wanted Level won't increase.

    जुलाई 02, 2020
  • Fdb880 d1hckoju4airw39

    Changing my Wanted Level with the trainer prevents it from increasing naturally. For example, giving myself 1 Star Wanted Level with the trainer and then shooting a police officer won't give me 3 Star Wanted Level like it normally would, it will just stay at 1 Star Wanted Level until I reset all the settings. Tested this with the latest version (Update 43) with only this mod installed.

    जुलाई 02, 2020
  • Fdb880 d1hckoju4airw39

    @Rumblestrut I'm pretty sure it is and if I manage to add it I'll include it in the next version, no promises though.

    जून 26, 2020
  • Fdb880 d1hckoju4airw39

    @Jayden585 You're right, I've just updated it to include that, it's currently pending for admin approval tho. Anyways thanks for the feedback I hope you enjoy it.

    जून 22, 2020
  • Fdb880 d1hckoju4airw39

    This script is quality itself, works like a charm. The only issue is that the slowmo effect doesn't seem to work with firearms and only with melee.
    After editing some options I ended up liking it more without the slowmo effect but if you're willing to fix that I think it would be nice to add a configurable option to disable it.

    जून 20, 2020
  • Fdb880 d1hckoju4airw39

    Worked fine to me, the only issue is that entering the Fight Club removes all your weapons (as intended I guess) but you don't get them back even after respawning.

    जून 14, 2020
  • Fdb880 d1hckoju4airw39

    @Bravercoolio The falling/rolling doesn't seem to be working on the current mod version (1.5)
    I've tested it with the previous version (1.4) and it works fine there.

    जून 04, 2020