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  • Starlet

    Anyway to disable X pressing Interior?

    अप्रैल 30, 2020
  • Starlet

    Can you open the crates? if so how?

    मई 24, 2018
  • Starlet

    What is the purpose of the blue currency? And how do you trade avatars?
    Also hope you make use of this mod, adding more interesting features such as potentially: multiplayer mode of this. I'd like to see a more diverse set of enemies, not two people who looks exactly alike just to create a more "interesting" feeling as if i'm playing this online.

    मई 24, 2018
  • Starlet

    Also anyway you can fix the phone problem? Because when i was having sex with my ped, if i have the phone out, my character would be bugged (unmovable) and also i can't even get out of sex position with the UP arrow key

    अप्रैल 22, 2018
  • Starlet

    Excellent mod, if only you can add the blowjob option in the car.

    अप्रैल 22, 2018
  • Starlet

    @tobu24 I did open the menu in the car but only Chat option

    फरवरी 19, 2018
  • Starlet

    @uirty how can you have sex in the car like one of those pictures in your mod? I can only do it outside of the car with a chair which looks weird but i want to do it in a car.

    फरवरी 11, 2018
  • Starlet

    Also language section in server as well? Because i hate these russian servers with England flag on them then i got Russian sign up form

    दिसंबर 25, 2017
  • Starlet

    Synchronization is great.
    Menu works and has great deisgn.
    The Replay Missions Section doesn't work, so either you remove it and replace it with the "quit game" section or make use of it (which would be great like having friends co-op-ing with you"
    More menu filters? Like desired ping (<100,<300,etc...), has players? has password?
    Looking forward to this mod, followed.

    दिसंबर 25, 2017
  • Starlet

    @Bluscream anything new when it comes to the synchorization? I hope you will still continue this mod, the work you put in alone is great. Maybe one day i will be able to kill my mates mission NPC as well.

    दिसंबर 15, 2017