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European - Spanish, Romanian Siren / Federal Signal Vama AS 420 1.1


EN: This mod features the siren tones from the Federal Signal Vama AS 420 siren met in a few European countries - Spain, Romania and others. Airhorn, wail, yelp, the classical euro two tone, which covers all emergency vehicles in the game. Tested beforehand. Enjoy! If there are bugs let me know and I will try to fix them when I get time.

RO: Aceasta modificare cuprinde semnalul acustice de pe ambulantele din Romania. Testat in prealabil! Instructiunile in limba romana le gasiti in cadrul rar-ului. Sper sa va placa!
Daca este ceva in neregula nu ezitati sa imi aduceti la cunostinta pentru a remedia problema in cel mai scurt timp.
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पहले अपलोड: सितंबर 08, 2018
आखरी अपडेट: अक्टूबर 21, 2018
Last Downloaded: 3 दिन पहले

All Versions

 1.1 (current)

2,517 downloads , 11.9 MB
अक्टूबर 20, 2018

9 टिप्पणियाँ