Jeep Cherokee XJ 1984 [BETA] 1.0
39 टिप्पणियाँ
More mods by r1-5-qwertyuiop:

- Car
[BETA] 1.5
So as a Jeep XJ former owner and forever lover, I'd like to say that this is a very, very nice recreation, and I'm glad that you've made it. I like it a lot and I will use it, good job.
Now, I have a couple of critiques, which I hope you take kindly as critiques of a beta and use to improve the mod. Firstly, the coloring is a bit odd - the chrome bumpers seem a bit too shiny, and the plastic fender flares, trim, and bumper end caps are FAR too shiny (they should be matte black and have no shine at all to them, shiny fender flares weren't a thing until the 1997 body style). The under-hood textures are rather low-res, especially the underside of the hood itself, although kudos on properly modeling a Jeep 4.0L engine, you even got the ridges on the valve cover and the stock airbox location right. The interior of the XJ also only came in dark charcoal grey or tan as far as I know (with the charcoal grey being by far the better looking in my opinion). The white interior of yours really doesn't look all that wonderful. The mirror is also a bit roughly modeled, and ought to be black instead of that strange purplish blue (which also seems to be shared by the plastic under-bumper trim piece, which should be the same matte black as the fender flares). The exterior meshes are very good, and I love your attention to detail. The words, the taillights, the details on the roof and back hatch, the location of the spare tire, it's all wonderful. However, the interior meshes are very boxy and sharp-angled. Additionally, the dashboard ought to be grey gauges on a black dash instead of blue gauges on a light grey dash. The shape of the dash is, however, very accurate.
My one and only major complaint with the exterior mesh is that the Jeep, while looking new, appears to already have the Jeep XJ's biggest long-term issue - the rear leaf spring sag. All Jeep vehicles come from the factory with a slight rake, and the rear of the roof should be higher than the front. However, in your model, the rear appears to sag down very noticeably. It's not a huge deal (my real-life XJ did the same thing, as have most others I've seen), but it's not *technically* correct and the model would look significantly better if it was changed.
All-in-all, this is an excellent model done with incredible attention to detail. There are just a few things that irk me as a nitpicky Jeep lover, and I felt the need to provide some suggestions for improvement.
Also, as to the tinting of the windows - every XJ I've ever seen has had either no tinted windows or every rear (back doors + back windows + back hatch window) tinted a very, very dark tint (which is how mine was). I've also never heard of laws against tinting the back window, but then I'm from Michigan and we don't really have many laws about vehicles at all. We don't even have inspections.
Great mod!! Love it :) I based my first YouTube video off of this mod, I don't know if you want to feature the video but here is a link: Great mod keep it up :D
Having played around with it a bit, I now like this even more. Your screenshots really don't do it justice. My previous suggestions still stand, with the biggest issues being the odd colored plastic pieces and the rear end sag (although the interior definitely would look better in dark grey). Another small issue I found was that when the roof gets banged up a bit and misshapen the headliner doesn't move with it, and so it clips through dents in the roof.
Yet again I return. Playing with it more, I've noticed three things:
1. Holy cow, you modeled the entire undercarriage in great detail. Good job man! You can even clearly tell that the front axle is a Dana 30 and the rear is a Dana 35. Wow!
2. As the vehicle it replaced had independent suspension, the solid axles of the XJ get distorted while driving. Is there any way to change GTA from thinking the axles are independent to thinking they're solid, like the Sandking's? Or are the axles just stuck as they are? Because I think the vehicle would perform MUCH better with the solid axles it's supposed to have. If that's impossible, oh well. Still looks amazing.
3. The ride height is actually a real problem. It bottoms out really easy, the rear wheels clip through the wheel wells constantly, and that's at unmodded height. Once you start lowering it (which, unfortunately, is completely necessary in GTA if you want decent handling) it gets REALLY bad with the clipping and sagging. Really the whole vehicle could stand to be raised the equivalent of a 2-3" lift, with the rear needing probably a 4" lift. That way, the rake is restored, the vehicle looks better in general, and there is room to lower it for handling without it looking horrific. I'm thinking that ideally it would be high enough that IRL stock ride height would be at about level 4 of in-game lowering (right now it isn't even up to stock ride height before lowering, if my XJ was any indication).
Aside from the height issue, honestly it looks and drives amazing. Thank you!
Okay, so I have a modding problem. I spent way, way longer than anyone should trying to make a realistic handling mod for this (and fix the 4WD on a few other vehicles as well). With your permission, qwertyuiop, I'd like to upload it as a handling mod for this.
Full changes:
Changed XJ/Seminole to solid axles
Lifted XJ suspension slightly (would still be better to edit the model)
Lifted JK/Mesa suspension slightly
Changed front/rear AWD bias for the following vehicles:
-Civilian Mesa
-Bobcat XL
-Rancher XL
-Sandking (both)
All edited vehicles have been given true full time 4WD (50/50 torque ratio). Part time 4WD is, unfortunately, impossible, but the on-road handling hasn't changed much, while off-road handling has improved drastically.
Holy crap, the detail on this mod is amazing!!! I completely agree with @AgamemnonTWC though, the fenders need to be matte black and the interior needs to be black or grey. But apart from that, this has got to be one of the most detailed mods I've ever used, ESPECIALLY for a beta. I was insanely impressed with the undercarriage, I even laughed when I saw a FRAM oil filter. Bitchin mod, needs those small improvements though
Also, and this is EXTREMELY nitpicky, it occurred to me the other day that you have the 4.0 modeled in your 1984 Jeep XJ model, while the 4.0 wasn't put into XJs until 1986 (for the 1987 model year). Prior to the 4.0, including in 1984, the XJ used a 2.8L GM V6 which is primarily (in)famous for putting out LESS power than the AMC 2.5L I4 that lower trim XJs had. So a better name, if you care, which there is no reason for you to care as I'm likely the only person in the world who loves Jeeps and Jeep history enough to know that, a better name would be 1984-1996 Jeep XJ Cherokee.
How do i go about opening the hood/doors/ ext.? Btw My Favorite mod on this entire website. I own a 2001 jeep xj (Last year for this body style :() RIP XJ
@AgamemnonTWC @Z3niT
I haven't been active on this site for a couple of months so maybe everyone knows something that I don't. But it seems like everyone seems to be assuming that the uploader made this from scratch---or at least praising them like they did. I think it looks identical to one made by a Russian user named Olegator for GTAIV: (who based it off pav3's XJ in GTA:SA)
I mean are we just assuming that all/most cars uploaded are conversions of earlier work? Even if so, I think it would be right to at least acknowledge the people that did 90% of the work. I'm sure it took time to get this converted into GTAV, which is laudable and appreciated.... but:
"Holy cow, you modeled the entire undercarriage in great detail. Good job man! You can even clearly tell that the front axle is a Dana 30 and the rear is a Dana 35. Wow!"
or ones like:
"... I would appreciate if you can do some more suvs and maybe some pickups like the Gmc Yukon Denali 2006 model, Ford Expedition early 2000's"
Maybe paste that praise over to the link above I included?
and then search for those SUVs so the uploader can convert them?
I don't think there are that many 84 XJs (or '84-'92 even) in China for someone to be this familiar with---or to even have that many XJ fans in China. This even has the red valve cover and everything, it's too similar not to be the same. I admit I haven't opened up the models in viewers yet but once I saw that red valve cover (which isn't stock) and uploader said "convert: r1-5-qwert" it was apparent. I mean at least its not like their doing intentionally, but still, somebody needs to mention the actual modders on the page.
/end rant
Maybe it's just me that's bothered by it. Maybe it's not a big deal to not have the words: "Original mod by: Olegator and pav3" since so many GTAV cars are conversions?
@tuna Hey man. I'm sorry if I came across too enthusiastic. I'm really not sure if this is a port of that other mod - they look very similar, but they aren't quite similar enough to say outright that this one was stolen or anything like that. I'd much prefer this to be cleared up by the mod author, who unfortunately seems to have disappeared. Regardless, I don't know much of anything about GTAV modding really, and I never played IV on PC, so I'd never heard of that mod before now. But if this is converted from that I'd say that the author should credit them, yes.
Very nice, near perfect. Can't believe I've overlooked this until now. Thank you.
@r1-5-qwertyuiop The beautiful model, but make a normal LODs please.
This was the first modded vehicle I ever installed in my game. Imminently I fell in love! Seeing them on the road made me smile and,I totally prefer this one over the Semanole,
Love the extra option for the roof rack and the spare tire in the back! My only complaints were that the rear tailgate window would not tint properly (front would be tinted instead) and, the tires bottomed out a lot.
Is it okay if I get this made into an unmarked police car? Credits given to you of course.
Is it just me, or does this look like the mod from BeamNG.Drive?
Would you be able to add a lifted version of this jeep?
Any chance you could do like a sheriff style 1994 Jeep Cherokee?
can you please ad Chevrolet Malibu wagon 1985, Chrysler voyager 1996 Chevrolet astro, Chevrolet Caprice 1980, Chevrolet suburban, blazer 1990 with dashboard with working instrument, and orginal sound, and fuel mod? please
can u please add land cruiser 1984 in place of seminole
@r1-5-qwertyuiop please fix this bug and tinted rear window