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@TheFunisher It works best with KB-M, but it does partly work with controllers too, to a limited degree though (pulling the plane too hard and it autocenters, unfortunately)
@TheFunisher @funtikar i've found a workaround for Camera Auto-Center (the opposite of this mod)
This AutoHotKey script prevents the game from auto-centering, by forcing the mouse to move 1 pixel up and down every 900 milliseconds !!!
MouseMove, 0 , 1,, R
Sleep, 900
MouseMove, 0,-1,, R
Sleep, 900
All you have to do is install AHK from autohotkey.com, make a text file with notepad on desktop, fill it with the short text above, save, rename the file extension to .ahk instead of .txt, right-click and run it in administrator mode. When you want to stop it, right-click the H icon in sytem tray and kill it.
In game, you have to use Windows input mode in Keyboard settings (first option), and that's it!
For me it works MAGIC driving, flying, and parachuting, and my toaster is slow enough that the 1 pixel up/down jitter doesnt bother me at all. Sometimes the game does autocenter once in a while (like it would skip a heartbeat of that script), but you can fix it by using a lower number of milliseconds, say 400 instead of 900.
ALSO, this fix works absolutely awesome combined with San Andreas-style Plane camera mod and the No Turbulence mod !!! First one prevents the camera from rolling with the plane (keeps horizon horizontal) and the second one eliminates the idiotic unrealistic wind effect jerking the plane!
Have fun, turtle barnstorm painkiller skyfall skydive :D