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नवीनतम फ़ाइलें

  • Tubeguy

    "Why no pictures or screenshots?!?"

    Does this kind of mod really need screenshots??? Try it yourself and you can see that Trevor really does wear a flowery blouse (although I can't get him to remove his panties). The fully upgraded, shiny colored T20 is also really there, for free.

    नवंबर 26, 2015
  • Tubeguy

    Thanks to FlavaOne for the base save game! I just editted it in-game to suit my personal preferences. Personally I think he / she / it has terrible taste, just FYI

    नवंबर 26, 2015
  • Tubeguy

    Hey. New update just came out - Lowriders, plus a machine pistol and a machete. Better update Script hook soon so it can work again!

    अक्टूबर 20, 2015