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Salut, super mod, l’aspect amateur est vraiment bien réussi, on y croit totalement ! Si tu pouvais ajouter une option pour teinter les vitres en noir intégral, ce serait génial (parfait pour un braquage)
could you add the fact that we can ask the hostage to follow us
very good, your mod is incredible with the addition of contact, looking forward to future updates.
sorry for all the requests but could you make the pnj follow us by pressing a key, for example if we want him to follow us we press E or something and if we don't want that we don't press it and he stays in front of the back doors,
Hi, when I modify the coordinates in the .ini and go to the game, the truck is always in the same place.
when I change the coordinates in the .ini, it doesn't do anything maybe I'm writing something that doesn't exist could you help me find the coordinates
site for the mods ( recommanded) https://www.gtamap.xyz/
Thank you very much for your responsiveness, I wish you all the success you deserve for your work.
yes, it's true that a location at la puerta or towards grove street would be excellent, and adding the fact that we can repeat kidnappings would be pleasant.
is there any way to move the van's location because it's in the hills and a bit far from downtown and the neighborhoods?