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@JAM102970 Ah ok I understand about the GTS.ini, and yes I tested the GTS on its own and unfortunately GTS did not start and I could not play
@JAM102970 Maybe I figured out what's wrong ...
I uninstalled the GTS, and followed all its steps in the new installation, but I noticed that the file GTS.ini is not installed, it just does not exist.
Could this be the problem?
@JAM102970 Friend I would like to try a chance, Can you teach me how to uninstall to GTS, maybe I have not uninstalled correctly
@JAM102970 Hey friend how are you?
I'm sad because I did exactly the same steps as you say, and even then do not appear the purple star
What could be happening?
And Thanks so much for your attention and can you help me again?
I did all the installation step by step as recommended but nothing appears, I go to the fort zankudo and there is nothing there
Could you please help me?
@Winext Bem vindo a "estabilidade" da Blazer kkkkkk
O giroflex não funciona no lugar certo, como arrumar isso?
Can you help me?
I did the whole installation correctly, including adding the command line, But when I go in the option "spawn by name", I write - sshuttle - and gives the warning that the file can not be found.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help!!!
Cara será que vc pode me ajudar?
Eu queria mt instalar esse mapa da favela, porém eu tento tento tento e não consigo...
Primeiro tento instalar o ScriptHook, o NativeTrainer enfim tudo que é necessário, mas ao terminar todo o processo o Rage trava o jogo quando vou carregar...
Aí refaço o processo e tudo como manda o figurino, mas aí trava o jogo e não inicia...
Quando excluo tudo, volta tudo ao normal, mas não abre nada nem o native, nem o editor de mapas (que tbm não consegui instalar) nem o mapa da favela nem nada...
Não sou um cara que entende absurdamente de tecnologia, mas se vc puder me ajudar passo a passo sei que posso conseguir....
Será que por favor vc pode me ajudar?