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Great looking car. In case you will providing future updates, some lights on the wheel buttons will be great for night-driving.
Can somebody please provide some screenshots or a video of the interior please ?
Can you please post 1-2 screenshots of the interior in the latest update ? Ty.
Great car man. I really appreciate the quality. Keep it up and do more quality stuff.
I guess you haven't read the description. This is not for speeding and certainly not for 3rd person. This is for driving in the city at normal - low speeds in first person. If you do that, i guarantee you that it steers corectly, doesnt float, etc.
That's because I left the susspension a bit loose. If I make it more rigid, then you would feel every bump in the road and that is not a great feeling when driving in first person mode. I will work on it more in the next few days and will update it eventually.
@Nielsen I also think it's the best yet, but the car helps a lot. It's aerodynamics, lift from the ground are close to perfection, so it is very easy for me to work with that. I will polish it in the next days and make it even better.
@Frazzlee You will find me on steam my friend. Hope you enjoy it, I know I do :)
I wasn't gone, it's just that there weren't many requests.
I accepted, let me know what you think of this handling.
I will finish the LaFerrari as well, but only after i get back to my PC where I have the file I was working on.