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    Magnificent as always! Standing ovation!

    I was wondering if you were interested in such cars as Willys MB and MUTT Ford M151 of various modifications, which would be great to replace Winky? Yes, one average in quality model Willys MB is already there and all sorts of variations HUMVEE presented in sufficient variety, but the same legendary Willys MB and, for example, MUTT Ford M151A2, also faithfully and honestly served for glory not only in the U.S. Army, in your masterful execution, I'm sure, would certainly please many fans of military vehicles for GTA 5.

    And yes, do you have no desire to draw your attention to the appropriate model HMMWV, which could be a very appropriate and successful replacement for Squaddie?
    I personally would be very pleased to ride the already vintage M1123 HMMWV Soft Top on the San Andreas off-road without tent and doors....

    I apologise for my English via Google Translator if it seems rutty.

    फरवरी 08, 2025
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    Great job! Thank! I couldn’t find Willis MB or Ford for GPW GTA V for a long time, and here you have such a pleasant surprise from you! Yes, and Dodge 3/4, not to mention the trailers!
    I wanted to ask if it would be possible to expect from you an addition to this work in the form of a very good and detailed coloring? Then it would be a true masterpiece! Thank you

    P.S. I apologize for my English - I used Google Translator ...

    मार्च 17, 2019
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    Great job! Thank! I couldn’t find Willis MB or Ford for GPW GTA V for a long time, and here you have such a Pleasant Surprise from You!
    I wanted to ask if it would be possible to expect from you a supplement to this work in the form of a windscreen, a rear spare wheel, a non-chrome muffler and rims cast in the color of the car body itself? Thank you

    P.S. I apologize for my English - I used Google Translator ...

    मार्च 17, 2019