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  • 959bed picsart 05 15 08.55.27

    Iv been Working On Improving On The Gta4 Handling Mod BETA With new Features Better Suspension less Bouncey and easier to Turn Because Fur Furk samen cars should not have trouble turning LOL so that's COMING UP Plus claudecan Requested All Gta5 Cars With This Handling I will Take Time To Do That As Well I'm also Going To Release a New Graphics Mod Soon but Baby Steps guys it takes a lot of time and effort to Achieve but I think it's time to MAKE IT BETTER!!! Stay Fluffy

    अक्टूबर 09, 2019
  • 959bed picsart 05 15 08.55.27

    Iv Been having trouble with Gta5 Due to the New Rockstar Launcher it Caused Crashing hopefully they fixed it by now because I'm going to Update This Mod Handling V1.4 is being Worked On I want to improve The Weight The Balance And Tipping Over when it is Turned To Hard Stay Fluffy

    अक्टूबर 09, 2019
  • 959bed picsart 05 15 08.55.27

    Ok I'm I fixed it I'm now in all my uploaded mods are ready to be updated

    अप्रैल 16, 2019
  • 959bed picsart 05 15 08.55.27

    Thanks furr all your support and Feedback

    मार्च 01, 2019
  • 959bed picsart 05 15 08.55.27

    Say good bye to your door that made me laugh when I heard that in the video

    जनवरी 26, 2019