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[ If there is a mod that lets you drive on the back and locks the car on the back then i can update to work with the mod but i have not looked for one. so i don't no if there is a way to do that.]
Actually I'm Not MentaL developed a script for this so maybe you can work together to get yours to work your model is great just need to get it to work with his script and it will be perfect.
I watched the videos for this and the custom version and they both skip the part about how you load the car on to the truck...the normal controls from the tow truck don't seem to work for this truck or the custom version so is this a non working version for show only and the working version is on the way?
I'm very surprised but your video skips the part about loading the car on to the truck...how do you get the car on to the truck?
love to have it but there is no download button
@F7YO where can I get the nomad?
@Just_Riko ...(when they change in lsc rear ones looks smaller and floats in the air....)
I can change the settings for both of these in the handling.meta or use Vstancer to fix them but I understand your point as many people might not know how to over come these issues.....
@Sokin Hi sorry I just saw this...
I have done this many many times and never had any errors..so can you post the lines of your file then I can try to help you
nice car but I don't understand the choice to not allow people to change the wheels .... can you please enable the option or explain to me how I can do it myself -thanks
you need to extract the files and put them in the proper locations
Sorry I don't have Discord
and yes there are some weird anomolies with some sounds I haven\'t located the source of the issue yet
@Vans123 I don't have your packs however I do have several of your stand alone cars most of which I modded their handling to my own prefrences of course all of these stopped working immediatley with this download but I understand why and is an easy fix for me... some others like the mustangbkit download also stopped working with this car...again I understand why..in this case it was due to a conflict with the kit id easy fix for me...but for some others that have these issues might not know why or where to look to resolve the issues....