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  • Gtao66

    @NajPotez I don't think any of us want to make this work for you, but we recognize the time & effort you put into your creations. We want to show we value those with more than words. But I understand people often become entitled & demanding once they start giving someone money. I understand not wanting something you do for the joy it brings you to become more complicated. So I won't push you to consider allowing us to donate. I do ask that you please consider creating a Patreon. I would love to see parts of your creation process.
    Your work delights me! I look forward to seeing what you create in the future

    जनवरी 13, 2022
  • Gtao66

    Each of your cars, they're so beautiful. I can feel the love & nostalgia you pour into each one.

    जनवरी 13, 2022
  • Gtao66

    @NajPotez the textures for the regular San Andreas plates aren't showing up

    जनवरी 08, 2022