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    Honestly, this mod is not worth to download. Here is my list why.

    - Huge FPS drop
    - Not detailed instructions
    - All other check marks are invisible.
    - You cannot buy any garages or houses at the start of the download, you have to figure it out all by yourself and still did not find it.
    - Has a lot of bugs such as franklin's house not showing up, cannot enter the house and much more.

    Overall not that good mod, this is a big file which will lag your game and PC, most of the stuff doesn't work and you have to figure it out by yourself since the owner is inactive. Save your time with not downloading this mod. If you're new to modding this will be really hard.

    Recommendations to make this mod good:
    - Be more detailed, as the downloading progress is literally only 1 sentence, not everything works after you did that.

    अगस्त 13, 2022
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    Hey, I've downloaded this mod and followed all the instructions. For some reason I cannot buy any appartments or garages in the game, if I walk up to the doors it does not come up with anything and nothing works. I can see all the things I can buy on my map though, is there anyway to fix this? When I try to log into online aswell (without mods) it doesn't work either so is it my assets?

    अगस्त 13, 2022