Personal Army (Active bodyguards squads and teams) [.NET] 2.5.0
This is the evolution of my previous mod.
I wanted a mod with bodyguards with vehicles, weapons, peds and many commands.
For that reason I added all functions that I always wanted.
It's not perfect but I hope you like it as much as I do.
Mod Features
-Up to 8 squads at the same time
-You can configure individual unit, teams and squads
-Your Bodyguards can to use boats, cars, planes and helicopters
-You can deploy squads on any vehicle
-Support for add-on peds and vehicles
-You can set when headshot is activated
-Spawn unlimited bodyguards (on/off unlimited restriction)
-Rappel and Parachute
-Aim Commands
-Taxi for all vehicle
-Save config
Previous Requirements
-.NET Framework 4.8 or higher
-dsCore (For version 2.0.0 and higher; Included on this download)
1.- Uncompressed the "dsCore" folder and put it into your "scripts" folder in the path where you have installed the game.
Example C/Program Files/Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/
2.-Read included customization guides.
Important Notes
-The folder dsCore/User/ contains your configuration files, be carefull with that!
-Version 2.0.0 and higher is not compatible with previus versions, if you have a previus version, it's necesary to remove it to prevent conflicts.
-If you want to use addon peds/vehicles you can use dscore tool.exe to add it in the configuration files.
-If you spawn excessive peds for you hardware your game will crashed.
-When you make an order to drive to a point, set the waypoint on road or ground nearer, If waypoint is on any icon (Like a mission blip), drivers could make crazy.
Install version 1.5.1 and older
Extract the file active_bodyguards_squads_v1.5.1dll, NativeUIForDSCADXMods.dll and active_bodyguards_squads_conf.xml and move it into you "scripts" folder in the path where you have installed the game.
Example C/Program Files/Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/
If you have a previous version, check the compatibility file and make a backup of your config (xml file).
How to use
Press T to open the mod menu
Press and hold Ctrl + mouseWheel +/- to select an order
Press and hold Shift + mouseWheel +/- to select a squad
Press right mouse button with a weapon (aim) + click on the mouse wheel to execute the selected command with the selected squadron
(Full instructions in the download)
If do you like my work and you want support me, you can donate on my Ko-fi. I will be grateful.
Version 2.5.0
-Fix teleport while are using parachute
-Fixed B-11 spawn
-Improve patrol order
-Improve shoot to point order
-Separate order in patrol around player and patrol zone
-Added action, "passenger to mounted gun", to move any passenger in current vehicle to a mounted gun
-Added order "Cancel orders" to stop current action
-Separate patrol range on foot and on vehicle
-New order "clear zone" to fight all hated target at map
-New action auto teleport near
-New action refill health for squad members
-New Menu to customize squads in game
-New customization guide
-New function: On vehicle as passenger and driver is a member of any squad press Z (your configured shortcut key) and W or S to change drive speed/ fly altitude, and A or D to change driving style of your current driver.
There are important changes in configuration files.
To update from previous version:
-In file "SquadsConfig.xml" replace patrolRange value="150" to
patrolRangeFoot value="10"
patrolRangeVeh value="80"
enableReloadHealth value="false"
enableAutoTeleport value="false"
you can check it in "default files" folder.
-rename "Troops.xml" to "Soldiers.xml"
-Open file "Soldiers.xml" and replace all tags "Units" to "Bodyguards" and all tags "ArmyUnits" to "Warzone"
-Open file "Squads.xml" and replace all tags "Squads" to "Bodyguards" and all tags "WarZoneSquads" to "Warzone"
Version 2.3.0
-Changes in movement, fighting and driving sequences
-Now your troops will try to protect you from any aggressor near to you, like a melee aggressor, a wild animal, etc.
-Speed control has been remade, and now you can choose (approximately) the maximum driving speed. To adjust that speed from the previous version, just adjust it in Menu>(any squad)>Squad settings>Driving speed and don't forget save that changes. I recommend around 90Km/h
-Core update for warzone
Version 2.2.3
-Fixed stop animation on press S (now only works trying to enter in a vehicle)
-Fixed move towards there order
-Fixed main weapon after use parachute
-Fixed incompatibility with Warzone mod
-Improve caravan behavior following orders
-New function: Press space bar when you are in a vehicle as passenger and driver is a member of any squad to stop the vehicle or start/continue driving to an active waypoint.
Version 2.2.2
This update contains changes that I had not upload previously
-Action add/remove flashlights
-Order on foot, fight with all near
-Order shoot to target, now works with melee weapons
-Improved vehicle following
-Improved landing for planes and VTOL vehicles
-Weapons file upgrade (Copy to your user folder)
-Landing zones file fixed (Copy to your user folder)
Version 2.2.0
-Fixed, add-on planes crash on spawn
-Fixed, attack allies on SP mission
-Improve heli auto landing
-Improve vehicle preview
Version 2.1.1
-Fixed up, parachute commands
-Fixed up, slow fall down in parachute
-Improved plane landing
-Improved plane tracks file
-Some little fixes
Note:if you update from version 2.1.0 or older please update manually file landingZones.xml or remove it from user folder and update your files again.
Version 2.1.0
-Compatibility with warzone mod
-Preview of vehicles customization
-Combat camera
-Drone camera
-Give orders from combat or drone camera
-Fix, bodyguards attack game allies
-Fix, shortcuts for "all squads" option
-Fix, "show vehicle spawn name" command
-Fix, lost weapons after use parachutes
-Fix, plane combat IA
-Updated guides
Note:if you update from version 2.0.2 elements from of troops.xml file, does not update correctly, please update manually or remove all content into tags and use dsCore_tool.exe to update again
Version 2.0.2
I don't think upload this version yet, but new update of GTA V caused a big bug in the version 2.0.1.
version 2.0.2 fix that bug and contains some things planned for next update.
I hope finish complete update in a some weeks.
Version 2.0.1
-Simplified Installation
-Liveries for squadPresets
-AimOrder get livery of vehicle
-Some bugs fixed
Version 2.0.0
-Completely rewritten
Version 1.5.1
-Fixed motorcycles
-Added laser weapons
Version 1.5.0
-Fixed helicopter orders
-Fixed abandoned vehicle in multiple vehicle
-Fixed free move
-Fixed patrol
-Fixed big plane spawn altitude
-Fixed go to waypont far away
-Fixed attach bodyguard vehicle to
-Rewrite plane takeoff
-Rewrite plane land
-Rewirte plane scort plane by plane
-Rewirte enter in vehicle
-Rewrite leave vehicle
-New action lights control
-New order shoot to target selected by WAYPOINT
-New team selected indicator
-New combat camera for bodyguards/soldiers (check the cam instruction file)
-Complete menu for all aquads section
Version 1.4.2
-Solved problem with NativeUI version
-Added action to allow leave vehicles when there are enemies
-Changes in the orders menu
-Changes for helicopter combat
-Some bugs fixed
Version 1.4.1
-Configurable, execute order key
-Configurable, aim for execute order
-New options in the menu for relationships
-Fixed main weapons in helicopters and better IA for helicopter combat
Note for the new configurations, it's necessary update previous XML read the compatibility file
version 1.4.0
-Rapel for any helicopter compatible
-New outfits elements (After a lot; helmets, hats, glasses, ear accessories)
-Aim Command Give weapon to ped
-Aim Command Recruit ped to squad
-Command Patrol arround (on foot and on vehicles)
-Command Free move (freely wander for all the map)
-Action hide weapons
-Some fixes
Note To use the new aim commands, first you need to enable them in the settings and restart the game so that it appears in the menu
version 1.3.4
-Recompilled with .Net Framework 4.5.2
-Better IA for "follow me" order, now work well when the bodyguards are in combat
version 1.3.3
-Order climb ped in rope to heli selected by waypoint
-Order Escort on vehicle
-Open/Close doors of trailer now works
version 1.3.2
-command climb in rope to heli
-action auto deploy in defeated team
-action stealth mode
-aim command cover there
-aim command shoot from cover
-now bodyguards can follow you under the water
Note for use new aim commands, first you need enable them in the settings and restart the game so that appears in the menu
version 1.3.0
-I rewrote some functions
-Attach/Dettach vehicles (For example cars on cargoplane)
-Cargobob hook usable
-Better AI for planes
Move on ground
Land (but this is slow)
-Some fixes
version 1.2.0
-Action change player seat
-Ped enter/leave your vehicle in "follow me" command
-Numpad shortcuts for menu commands
-No need aim for middle mouse button commands
-Fix spawn big planes, only select "very very high" for minimum altitude
version 1.1.1
-Fix bug with NativeUI v1.7 but you need v1.8 to create any new presets
-Functional when you change to character
version 1.1.0
-Fix spawn underground
-Fix parachutes
-Some vehicle options
-Save squad vehicles
-Better AI of plane vs plane
-Auto select aim command function
-Stop time to open menu (you can change it in the settigs)
-Slow time to select squad (you can change it in the settigs)
-Slow time to select aim command (you can change it in the settigs)
-Open close doors action
-Freeze position action from ped (useful in a cargo plane)
version 1.0.1
-You can change the keyboard keys to use
-Fix enter vehicle command
-Fix crazy driver
I wanted a mod with bodyguards with vehicles, weapons, peds and many commands.
For that reason I added all functions that I always wanted.
It's not perfect but I hope you like it as much as I do.
Mod Features
-Up to 8 squads at the same time
-You can configure individual unit, teams and squads
-Your Bodyguards can to use boats, cars, planes and helicopters
-You can deploy squads on any vehicle
-Support for add-on peds and vehicles
-You can set when headshot is activated
-Spawn unlimited bodyguards (on/off unlimited restriction)
-Rappel and Parachute
-Aim Commands
-Taxi for all vehicle
-Save config
Previous Requirements
-.NET Framework 4.8 or higher
-dsCore (For version 2.0.0 and higher; Included on this download)
1.- Uncompressed the "dsCore" folder and put it into your "scripts" folder in the path where you have installed the game.
Example C/Program Files/Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/
2.-Read included customization guides.
Important Notes
-The folder dsCore/User/ contains your configuration files, be carefull with that!
-Version 2.0.0 and higher is not compatible with previus versions, if you have a previus version, it's necesary to remove it to prevent conflicts.
-If you want to use addon peds/vehicles you can use dscore tool.exe to add it in the configuration files.
-If you spawn excessive peds for you hardware your game will crashed.
-When you make an order to drive to a point, set the waypoint on road or ground nearer, If waypoint is on any icon (Like a mission blip), drivers could make crazy.
Install version 1.5.1 and older
Extract the file active_bodyguards_squads_v1.5.1dll, NativeUIForDSCADXMods.dll and active_bodyguards_squads_conf.xml and move it into you "scripts" folder in the path where you have installed the game.
Example C/Program Files/Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/
If you have a previous version, check the compatibility file and make a backup of your config (xml file).
How to use
Press T to open the mod menu
Press and hold Ctrl + mouseWheel +/- to select an order
Press and hold Shift + mouseWheel +/- to select a squad
Press right mouse button with a weapon (aim) + click on the mouse wheel to execute the selected command with the selected squadron
(Full instructions in the download)
If do you like my work and you want support me, you can donate on my Ko-fi. I will be grateful.
Version 2.5.0
-Fix teleport while are using parachute
-Fixed B-11 spawn
-Improve patrol order
-Improve shoot to point order
-Separate order in patrol around player and patrol zone
-Added action, "passenger to mounted gun", to move any passenger in current vehicle to a mounted gun
-Added order "Cancel orders" to stop current action
-Separate patrol range on foot and on vehicle
-New order "clear zone" to fight all hated target at map
-New action auto teleport near
-New action refill health for squad members
-New Menu to customize squads in game
-New customization guide
-New function: On vehicle as passenger and driver is a member of any squad press Z (your configured shortcut key) and W or S to change drive speed/ fly altitude, and A or D to change driving style of your current driver.
There are important changes in configuration files.
To update from previous version:
-In file "SquadsConfig.xml" replace patrolRange value="150" to
patrolRangeFoot value="10"
patrolRangeVeh value="80"
enableReloadHealth value="false"
enableAutoTeleport value="false"
you can check it in "default files" folder.
-rename "Troops.xml" to "Soldiers.xml"
-Open file "Soldiers.xml" and replace all tags "Units" to "Bodyguards" and all tags "ArmyUnits" to "Warzone"
-Open file "Squads.xml" and replace all tags "Squads" to "Bodyguards" and all tags "WarZoneSquads" to "Warzone"
Version 2.3.0
-Changes in movement, fighting and driving sequences
-Now your troops will try to protect you from any aggressor near to you, like a melee aggressor, a wild animal, etc.
-Speed control has been remade, and now you can choose (approximately) the maximum driving speed. To adjust that speed from the previous version, just adjust it in Menu>(any squad)>Squad settings>Driving speed and don't forget save that changes. I recommend around 90Km/h
-Core update for warzone
Version 2.2.3
-Fixed stop animation on press S (now only works trying to enter in a vehicle)
-Fixed move towards there order
-Fixed main weapon after use parachute
-Fixed incompatibility with Warzone mod
-Improve caravan behavior following orders
-New function: Press space bar when you are in a vehicle as passenger and driver is a member of any squad to stop the vehicle or start/continue driving to an active waypoint.
Version 2.2.2
This update contains changes that I had not upload previously
-Action add/remove flashlights
-Order on foot, fight with all near
-Order shoot to target, now works with melee weapons
-Improved vehicle following
-Improved landing for planes and VTOL vehicles
-Weapons file upgrade (Copy to your user folder)
-Landing zones file fixed (Copy to your user folder)
Version 2.2.0
-Fixed, add-on planes crash on spawn
-Fixed, attack allies on SP mission
-Improve heli auto landing
-Improve vehicle preview
Version 2.1.1
-Fixed up, parachute commands
-Fixed up, slow fall down in parachute
-Improved plane landing
-Improved plane tracks file
-Some little fixes
Note:if you update from version 2.1.0 or older please update manually file landingZones.xml or remove it from user folder and update your files again.
Version 2.1.0
-Compatibility with warzone mod
-Preview of vehicles customization
-Combat camera
-Drone camera
-Give orders from combat or drone camera
-Fix, bodyguards attack game allies
-Fix, shortcuts for "all squads" option
-Fix, "show vehicle spawn name" command
-Fix, lost weapons after use parachutes
-Fix, plane combat IA
-Updated guides
Note:if you update from version 2.0.2 elements from of troops.xml file, does not update correctly, please update manually or remove all content into tags and use dsCore_tool.exe to update again
Version 2.0.2
I don't think upload this version yet, but new update of GTA V caused a big bug in the version 2.0.1.
version 2.0.2 fix that bug and contains some things planned for next update.
I hope finish complete update in a some weeks.
Version 2.0.1
-Simplified Installation
-Liveries for squadPresets
-AimOrder get livery of vehicle
-Some bugs fixed
Version 2.0.0
-Completely rewritten
Version 1.5.1
-Fixed motorcycles
-Added laser weapons
Version 1.5.0
-Fixed helicopter orders
-Fixed abandoned vehicle in multiple vehicle
-Fixed free move
-Fixed patrol
-Fixed big plane spawn altitude
-Fixed go to waypont far away
-Fixed attach bodyguard vehicle to
-Rewrite plane takeoff
-Rewrite plane land
-Rewirte plane scort plane by plane
-Rewirte enter in vehicle
-Rewrite leave vehicle
-New action lights control
-New order shoot to target selected by WAYPOINT
-New team selected indicator
-New combat camera for bodyguards/soldiers (check the cam instruction file)
-Complete menu for all aquads section
Version 1.4.2
-Solved problem with NativeUI version
-Added action to allow leave vehicles when there are enemies
-Changes in the orders menu
-Changes for helicopter combat
-Some bugs fixed
Version 1.4.1
-Configurable, execute order key
-Configurable, aim for execute order
-New options in the menu for relationships
-Fixed main weapons in helicopters and better IA for helicopter combat
Note for the new configurations, it's necessary update previous XML read the compatibility file
version 1.4.0
-Rapel for any helicopter compatible
-New outfits elements (After a lot; helmets, hats, glasses, ear accessories)
-Aim Command Give weapon to ped
-Aim Command Recruit ped to squad
-Command Patrol arround (on foot and on vehicles)
-Command Free move (freely wander for all the map)
-Action hide weapons
-Some fixes
Note To use the new aim commands, first you need to enable them in the settings and restart the game so that it appears in the menu
version 1.3.4
-Recompilled with .Net Framework 4.5.2
-Better IA for "follow me" order, now work well when the bodyguards are in combat
version 1.3.3
-Order climb ped in rope to heli selected by waypoint
-Order Escort on vehicle
-Open/Close doors of trailer now works
version 1.3.2
-command climb in rope to heli
-action auto deploy in defeated team
-action stealth mode
-aim command cover there
-aim command shoot from cover
-now bodyguards can follow you under the water
Note for use new aim commands, first you need enable them in the settings and restart the game so that appears in the menu
version 1.3.0
-I rewrote some functions
-Attach/Dettach vehicles (For example cars on cargoplane)
-Cargobob hook usable
-Better AI for planes
Move on ground
Land (but this is slow)
-Some fixes
version 1.2.0
-Action change player seat
-Ped enter/leave your vehicle in "follow me" command
-Numpad shortcuts for menu commands
-No need aim for middle mouse button commands
-Fix spawn big planes, only select "very very high" for minimum altitude
version 1.1.1
-Fix bug with NativeUI v1.7 but you need v1.8 to create any new presets
-Functional when you change to character
version 1.1.0
-Fix spawn underground
-Fix parachutes
-Some vehicle options
-Save squad vehicles
-Better AI of plane vs plane
-Auto select aim command function
-Stop time to open menu (you can change it in the settigs)
-Slow time to select squad (you can change it in the settigs)
-Slow time to select aim command (you can change it in the settigs)
-Open close doors action
-Freeze position action from ped (useful in a cargo plane)
version 1.0.1
-You can change the keyboard keys to use
-Fix enter vehicle command
-Fix crazy driver
पहले अपलोड: फरवरी 18, 2019
आखरी अपडेट: नवंबर 04, 2024
Last Downloaded: 19 कुछ मिनट पहले
All Versions
856 टिप्पणियाँ
More mods by DSCADX:
This is the evolution of my previous mod.
I wanted a mod with bodyguards with vehicles, weapons, peds and many commands.
For that reason I added all functions that I always wanted.
It's not perfect but I hope you like it as much as I do.
Mod Features
-Up to 8 squads at the same time
-You can configure individual unit, teams and squads
-Your Bodyguards can to use boats, cars, planes and helicopters
-You can deploy squads on any vehicle
-Support for add-on peds and vehicles
-You can set when headshot is activated
-Spawn unlimited bodyguards (on/off unlimited restriction)
-Rappel and Parachute
-Aim Commands
-Taxi for all vehicle
-Save config
Previous Requirements
-.NET Framework 4.8 or higher
-dsCore (For version 2.0.0 and higher; Included on this download)
1.- Uncompressed the "dsCore" folder and put it into your "scripts" folder in the path where you have installed the game.
Example C/Program Files/Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/
2.-Read included customization guides.
Important Notes
-The folder dsCore/User/ contains your configuration files, be carefull with that!
-Version 2.0.0 and higher is not compatible with previus versions, if you have a previus version, it's necesary to remove it to prevent conflicts.
-If you want to use addon peds/vehicles you can use dscore tool.exe to add it in the configuration files.
-If you spawn excessive peds for you hardware your game will crashed.
-When you make an order to drive to a point, set the waypoint on road or ground nearer, If waypoint is on any icon (Like a mission blip), drivers could make crazy.
Install version 1.5.1 and older
Extract the file active_bodyguards_squads_v1.5.1dll, NativeUIForDSCADXMods.dll and active_bodyguards_squads_conf.xml and move it into you "scripts" folder in the path where you have installed the game.
Example C/Program Files/Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/
If you have a previous version, check the compatibility file and make a backup of your config (xml file).
How to use
Press T to open the mod menu
Press and hold Ctrl + mouseWheel +/- to select an order
Press and hold Shift + mouseWheel +/- to select a squad
Press right mouse button with a weapon (aim) + click on the mouse wheel to execute the selected command with the selected squadron
(Full instructions in the download)
If do you like my work and you want support me, you can donate on my Ko-fi. I will be grateful.
Version 2.5.0
-Fix teleport while are using parachute
-Fixed B-11 spawn
-Improve patrol order
-Improve shoot to point order
-Separate order in patrol around player and patrol zone
-Added action, "passenger to mounted gun", to move any passenger in current vehicle to a mounted gun
-Added order "Cancel orders" to stop current action
-Separate patrol range on foot and on vehicle
-New order "clear zone" to fight all hated target at map
-New action auto teleport near
-New action refill health for squad members
-New Menu to customize squads in game
-New customization guide
-New function: On vehicle as passenger and driver is a member of any squad press Z (your configured shortcut key) and W or S to change drive speed/ fly altitude, and A or D to change driving style of your current driver.
There are important changes in configuration files.
To update from previous version:
-In file "SquadsConfig.xml" replace patrolRange value="150" to
patrolRangeFoot value="10"
patrolRangeVeh value="80"
enableReloadHealth value="false"
enableAutoTeleport value="false"
you can check it in "default files" folder.
-rename "Troops.xml" to "Soldiers.xml"
-Open file "Soldiers.xml" and replace all tags "Units" to "Bodyguards" and all tags "ArmyUnits" to "Warzone"
-Open file "Squads.xml" and replace all tags "Squads" to "Bodyguards" and all tags "WarZoneSquads" to "Warzone"
Version 2.3.0
-Changes in movement, fighting and driving sequences
-Now your troops will try to protect you from any aggressor near to you, like a melee aggressor, a wild animal, etc.
-Speed control has been remade, and now you can choose (approximately) the maximum driving speed. To adjust that speed from the previous version, just adjust it in Menu>(any squad)>Squad settings>Driving speed and don't forget save that changes. I recommend around 90Km/h
-Core update for warzone
Version 2.2.3
-Fixed stop animation on press S (now only works trying to enter in a vehicle)
-Fixed move towards there order
-Fixed main weapon after use parachute
-Fixed incompatibility with Warzone mod
-Improve caravan behavior following orders
-New function: Press space bar when you are in a vehicle as passenger and driver is a member of any squad to stop the vehicle or start/continue driving to an active waypoint.
Version 2.2.2
This update contains changes that I had not upload previously
-Action add/remove flashlights
-Order on foot, fight with all near
-Order shoot to target, now works with melee weapons
-Improved vehicle following
-Improved landing for planes and VTOL vehicles
-Weapons file upgrade (Copy to your user folder)
-Landing zones file fixed (Copy to your user folder)
Version 2.2.0
-Fixed, add-on planes crash on spawn
-Fixed, attack allies on SP mission
-Improve heli auto landing
-Improve vehicle preview
Version 2.1.1
-Fixed up, parachute commands
-Fixed up, slow fall down in parachute
-Improved plane landing
-Improved plane tracks file
-Some little fixes
Note:if you update from version 2.1.0 or older please update manually file landingZones.xml or remove it from user folder and update your files again.
Version 2.1.0
-Compatibility with warzone mod
-Preview of vehicles customization
-Combat camera
-Drone camera
-Give orders from combat or drone camera
-Fix, bodyguards attack game allies
-Fix, shortcuts for "all squads" option
-Fix, "show vehicle spawn name" command
-Fix, lost weapons after use parachutes
-Fix, plane combat IA
-Updated guides
Note:if you update from version 2.0.2 elements from of troops.xml file, does not update correctly, please update manually or remove all content into tags and use dsCore_tool.exe to update again
Version 2.0.2
I don't think upload this version yet, but new update of GTA V caused a big bug in the version 2.0.1.
version 2.0.2 fix that bug and contains some things planned for next update.
I hope finish complete update in a some weeks.
Version 2.0.1
-Simplified Installation
-Liveries for squadPresets
-AimOrder get livery of vehicle
-Some bugs fixed
Version 2.0.0
-Completely rewritten
Version 1.5.1
-Fixed motorcycles
-Added laser weapons
Version 1.5.0
-Fixed helicopter orders
-Fixed abandoned vehicle in multiple vehicle
-Fixed free move
-Fixed patrol
-Fixed big plane spawn altitude
-Fixed go to waypont far away
-Fixed attach bodyguard vehicle to
-Rewrite plane takeoff
-Rewrite plane land
-Rewirte plane scort plane by plane
-Rewirte enter in vehicle
-Rewrite leave vehicle
-New action lights control
-New order shoot to target selected by WAYPOINT
-New team selected indicator
-New combat camera for bodyguards/soldiers (check the cam instruction file)
-Complete menu for all aquads section
Version 1.4.2
-Solved problem with NativeUI version
-Added action to allow leave vehicles when there are enemies
-Changes in the orders menu
-Changes for helicopter combat
-Some bugs fixed
Version 1.4.1
-Configurable, execute order key
-Configurable, aim for execute order
-New options in the menu for relationships
-Fixed main weapons in helicopters and better IA for helicopter combat
Note for the new configurations, it's necessary update previous XML read the compatibility file
version 1.4.0
-Rapel for any helicopter compatible
-New outfits elements (After a lot; helmets, hats, glasses, ear accessories)
-Aim Command Give weapon to ped
-Aim Command Recruit ped to squad
-Command Patrol arround (on foot and on vehicles)
-Command Free move (freely wander for all the map)
-Action hide weapons
-Some fixes
Note To use the new aim commands, first you need to enable them in the settings and restart the game so that it appears in the menu
version 1.3.4
-Recompilled with .Net Framework 4.5.2
-Better IA for "follow me" order, now work well when the bodyguards are in combat
version 1.3.3
-Order climb ped in rope to heli selected by waypoint
-Order Escort on vehicle
-Open/Close doors of trailer now works
version 1.3.2
-command climb in rope to heli
-action auto deploy in defeated team
-action stealth mode
-aim command cover there
-aim command shoot from cover
-now bodyguards can follow you under the water
Note for use new aim commands, first you need enable them in the settings and restart the game so that appears in the menu
version 1.3.0
-I rewrote some functions
-Attach/Dettach vehicles (For example cars on cargoplane)
-Cargobob hook usable
-Better AI for planes
Move on ground
Land (but this is slow)
-Some fixes
version 1.2.0
-Action change player seat
-Ped enter/leave your vehicle in "follow me" command
-Numpad shortcuts for menu commands
-No need aim for middle mouse button commands
-Fix spawn big planes, only select "very very high" for minimum altitude
version 1.1.1
-Fix bug with NativeUI v1.7 but you need v1.8 to create any new presets
-Functional when you change to character
version 1.1.0
-Fix spawn underground
-Fix parachutes
-Some vehicle options
-Save squad vehicles
-Better AI of plane vs plane
-Auto select aim command function
-Stop time to open menu (you can change it in the settigs)
-Slow time to select squad (you can change it in the settigs)
-Slow time to select aim command (you can change it in the settigs)
-Open close doors action
-Freeze position action from ped (useful in a cargo plane)
version 1.0.1
-You can change the keyboard keys to use
-Fix enter vehicle command
-Fix crazy driver
I wanted a mod with bodyguards with vehicles, weapons, peds and many commands.
For that reason I added all functions that I always wanted.
It's not perfect but I hope you like it as much as I do.
Mod Features
-Up to 8 squads at the same time
-You can configure individual unit, teams and squads
-Your Bodyguards can to use boats, cars, planes and helicopters
-You can deploy squads on any vehicle
-Support for add-on peds and vehicles
-You can set when headshot is activated
-Spawn unlimited bodyguards (on/off unlimited restriction)
-Rappel and Parachute
-Aim Commands
-Taxi for all vehicle
-Save config
Previous Requirements
-.NET Framework 4.8 or higher
-dsCore (For version 2.0.0 and higher; Included on this download)
1.- Uncompressed the "dsCore" folder and put it into your "scripts" folder in the path where you have installed the game.
Example C/Program Files/Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/
2.-Read included customization guides.
Important Notes
-The folder dsCore/User/ contains your configuration files, be carefull with that!
-Version 2.0.0 and higher is not compatible with previus versions, if you have a previus version, it's necesary to remove it to prevent conflicts.
-If you want to use addon peds/vehicles you can use dscore tool.exe to add it in the configuration files.
-If you spawn excessive peds for you hardware your game will crashed.
-When you make an order to drive to a point, set the waypoint on road or ground nearer, If waypoint is on any icon (Like a mission blip), drivers could make crazy.
Install version 1.5.1 and older
Extract the file active_bodyguards_squads_v1.5.1dll, NativeUIForDSCADXMods.dll and active_bodyguards_squads_conf.xml and move it into you "scripts" folder in the path where you have installed the game.
Example C/Program Files/Grand Theft Auto V/scripts/
If you have a previous version, check the compatibility file and make a backup of your config (xml file).
How to use
Press T to open the mod menu
Press and hold Ctrl + mouseWheel +/- to select an order
Press and hold Shift + mouseWheel +/- to select a squad
Press right mouse button with a weapon (aim) + click on the mouse wheel to execute the selected command with the selected squadron
(Full instructions in the download)
If do you like my work and you want support me, you can donate on my Ko-fi. I will be grateful.
Version 2.5.0
-Fix teleport while are using parachute
-Fixed B-11 spawn
-Improve patrol order
-Improve shoot to point order
-Separate order in patrol around player and patrol zone
-Added action, "passenger to mounted gun", to move any passenger in current vehicle to a mounted gun
-Added order "Cancel orders" to stop current action
-Separate patrol range on foot and on vehicle
-New order "clear zone" to fight all hated target at map
-New action auto teleport near
-New action refill health for squad members
-New Menu to customize squads in game
-New customization guide
-New function: On vehicle as passenger and driver is a member of any squad press Z (your configured shortcut key) and W or S to change drive speed/ fly altitude, and A or D to change driving style of your current driver.
There are important changes in configuration files.
To update from previous version:
-In file "SquadsConfig.xml" replace patrolRange value="150" to
patrolRangeFoot value="10"
patrolRangeVeh value="80"
enableReloadHealth value="false"
enableAutoTeleport value="false"
you can check it in "default files" folder.
-rename "Troops.xml" to "Soldiers.xml"
-Open file "Soldiers.xml" and replace all tags "Units" to "Bodyguards" and all tags "ArmyUnits" to "Warzone"
-Open file "Squads.xml" and replace all tags "Squads" to "Bodyguards" and all tags "WarZoneSquads" to "Warzone"
Version 2.3.0
-Changes in movement, fighting and driving sequences
-Now your troops will try to protect you from any aggressor near to you, like a melee aggressor, a wild animal, etc.
-Speed control has been remade, and now you can choose (approximately) the maximum driving speed. To adjust that speed from the previous version, just adjust it in Menu>(any squad)>Squad settings>Driving speed and don't forget save that changes. I recommend around 90Km/h
-Core update for warzone
Version 2.2.3
-Fixed stop animation on press S (now only works trying to enter in a vehicle)
-Fixed move towards there order
-Fixed main weapon after use parachute
-Fixed incompatibility with Warzone mod
-Improve caravan behavior following orders
-New function: Press space bar when you are in a vehicle as passenger and driver is a member of any squad to stop the vehicle or start/continue driving to an active waypoint.
Version 2.2.2
This update contains changes that I had not upload previously
-Action add/remove flashlights
-Order on foot, fight with all near
-Order shoot to target, now works with melee weapons
-Improved vehicle following
-Improved landing for planes and VTOL vehicles
-Weapons file upgrade (Copy to your user folder)
-Landing zones file fixed (Copy to your user folder)
Version 2.2.0
-Fixed, add-on planes crash on spawn
-Fixed, attack allies on SP mission
-Improve heli auto landing
-Improve vehicle preview
Version 2.1.1
-Fixed up, parachute commands
-Fixed up, slow fall down in parachute
-Improved plane landing
-Improved plane tracks file
-Some little fixes
Note:if you update from version 2.1.0 or older please update manually file landingZones.xml or remove it from user folder and update your files again.
Version 2.1.0
-Compatibility with warzone mod
-Preview of vehicles customization
-Combat camera
-Drone camera
-Give orders from combat or drone camera
-Fix, bodyguards attack game allies
-Fix, shortcuts for "all squads" option
-Fix, "show vehicle spawn name" command
-Fix, lost weapons after use parachutes
-Fix, plane combat IA
-Updated guides
Note:if you update from version 2.0.2 elements from of troops.xml file, does not update correctly, please update manually or remove all content into tags and use dsCore_tool.exe to update again
Version 2.0.2
I don't think upload this version yet, but new update of GTA V caused a big bug in the version 2.0.1.
version 2.0.2 fix that bug and contains some things planned for next update.
I hope finish complete update in a some weeks.
Version 2.0.1
-Simplified Installation
-Liveries for squadPresets
-AimOrder get livery of vehicle
-Some bugs fixed
Version 2.0.0
-Completely rewritten
Version 1.5.1
-Fixed motorcycles
-Added laser weapons
Version 1.5.0
-Fixed helicopter orders
-Fixed abandoned vehicle in multiple vehicle
-Fixed free move
-Fixed patrol
-Fixed big plane spawn altitude
-Fixed go to waypont far away
-Fixed attach bodyguard vehicle to
-Rewrite plane takeoff
-Rewrite plane land
-Rewirte plane scort plane by plane
-Rewirte enter in vehicle
-Rewrite leave vehicle
-New action lights control
-New order shoot to target selected by WAYPOINT
-New team selected indicator
-New combat camera for bodyguards/soldiers (check the cam instruction file)
-Complete menu for all aquads section
Version 1.4.2
-Solved problem with NativeUI version
-Added action to allow leave vehicles when there are enemies
-Changes in the orders menu
-Changes for helicopter combat
-Some bugs fixed
Version 1.4.1
-Configurable, execute order key
-Configurable, aim for execute order
-New options in the menu for relationships
-Fixed main weapons in helicopters and better IA for helicopter combat
Note for the new configurations, it's necessary update previous XML read the compatibility file
version 1.4.0
-Rapel for any helicopter compatible
-New outfits elements (After a lot; helmets, hats, glasses, ear accessories)
-Aim Command Give weapon to ped
-Aim Command Recruit ped to squad
-Command Patrol arround (on foot and on vehicles)
-Command Free move (freely wander for all the map)
-Action hide weapons
-Some fixes
Note To use the new aim commands, first you need to enable them in the settings and restart the game so that it appears in the menu
version 1.3.4
-Recompilled with .Net Framework 4.5.2
-Better IA for "follow me" order, now work well when the bodyguards are in combat
version 1.3.3
-Order climb ped in rope to heli selected by waypoint
-Order Escort on vehicle
-Open/Close doors of trailer now works
version 1.3.2
-command climb in rope to heli
-action auto deploy in defeated team
-action stealth mode
-aim command cover there
-aim command shoot from cover
-now bodyguards can follow you under the water
Note for use new aim commands, first you need enable them in the settings and restart the game so that appears in the menu
version 1.3.0
-I rewrote some functions
-Attach/Dettach vehicles (For example cars on cargoplane)
-Cargobob hook usable
-Better AI for planes
Move on ground
Land (but this is slow)
-Some fixes
version 1.2.0
-Action change player seat
-Ped enter/leave your vehicle in "follow me" command
-Numpad shortcuts for menu commands
-No need aim for middle mouse button commands
-Fix spawn big planes, only select "very very high" for minimum altitude
version 1.1.1
-Fix bug with NativeUI v1.7 but you need v1.8 to create any new presets
-Functional when you change to character
version 1.1.0
-Fix spawn underground
-Fix parachutes
-Some vehicle options
-Save squad vehicles
-Better AI of plane vs plane
-Auto select aim command function
-Stop time to open menu (you can change it in the settigs)
-Slow time to select squad (you can change it in the settigs)
-Slow time to select aim command (you can change it in the settigs)
-Open close doors action
-Freeze position action from ped (useful in a cargo plane)
version 1.0.1
-You can change the keyboard keys to use
-Fix enter vehicle command
-Fix crazy driver
पहले अपलोड: फरवरी 18, 2019
आखरी अपडेट: नवंबर 04, 2024
Last Downloaded: 19 कुछ मिनट पहले
@DSCADX Is this compatible with Head Hunters (Enemy spawner) ? I tried, but I can't get to make them work together!
@Hazekware yeah both are compatible, just combine the content of both downloads, also, install Personal Army first to keep Head hunters dsCore.dll which version is a bit newer.
Where is can find dsCore tool2.0.0 it can`t work
@DSCADX Where is can find dsCore tool2.0.0 it can`t work
@DSCADX ok I will try that, last time it seemed I installed them both this way, but Personal army didn't work. I managed to make them work seperately, but never together.
@DSCADX So I idi what you advised me and got this message: "mscorlib System. ThrowHelper Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than thesize of the collection" Personal army works, but the Hunter script doesn't spawn anything. Can you help?
not working
not very easy to use without dscore
Hello everyone, does this mod work or not?
@DSCADX it has so many bugs in 2.5.0
Bro its great but is there a way to get it to work with the gang and turf mod so to make friendly npcs not shoot at the friendly bodyguards and make enemy npcs hostile to the bodyguards?
this is perfect for roleplaying mc
How do you fix accesory broken I cant customise my army because it keep showing no accesorys are on my troop
great mod
@DSCADX nice with the update but there is some issue with the bodyguards in helicopter is not firing their weapons especially the guns on the helicopters can it get fixed if can would be the best thank you
how i can fix land option i cant see any landing locatios @DSCADX
cuando le doy no se abre nada, alguien sabe como arreglarlo ? :)
Mod is not working at all. Will there be an update. This was a really fun mod to use :(
I enjoyed this mod for a long time it's not working anymore please update it as soon as you can
Broo this mod is good but the keybind are shit and you cant change them