Army Camo Hat for Trevor
thanks,nice look!!!>>>
@yzhlzz I like it the pic dude and thanks for the 5 stars!!! Enjoy your military service in Zancudo soldier!!!
@jrfortezza It's perfect if you can make a 【Army Necklace】 for Trevor.<( ̄︶ ̄)↗[GO!]
@yzhlzz You know i really like to do army necklace but........ the open IV still don't have support to do this things like this. When the GimsEvo and the open IV offers support to the that things dude don't worry this is gonna be on my list, for now i just make some textures.... : )
@jrfortezza okey,waiting for your good news.
@yzhlzz i hope.... take look to 2 guys
First open IV need a update with support , after that in second the gims EVO gonna update too make the support for models. Mark my words friend , when this day is come?? we never know... but the time of this day when his come this GONNA BE A DAY FOR HISTORY FOR GTA 5 MODS i waiting sooooo much time for that................ : ( Well, like you said waiting for good news!!!! : )
thanks bro
@jrfortezza How did you give Trevor blue eyes?
@eshenk Sorry for reply with a delay and the blue eyes it's a ideia of one my failed mod you can find here -->
@jrfortezza Thank you!!
Can you use it for Franklin if you choose Player_one_p ??